More About Me
Kelli loves to be able to build lasting relationships with people and help them find their dream home. Whether listing beachfront estates or working with first-time homebuyers, she is known for her quality service, market knowledge and professionalism. Born and raised on Oahu, she has spent her life in a real estate family and continues to build her business on repeat and referral business.

Problems that she consistently solves for clients are finding ways to save time and energy, taking advantage of new technology and utilizing it to stay ahead of the game. She loves to seek out great investments for her clients and specializes in some of the most prestigious neighborhoods on the island. She really takes the time to listen to her clients needs not only during the sale, but long afterwards.

Why choose Kelli as your real estate agent? She really listens to you, will work tirelessly on your behalf, and will always look out for your interest above all others.

Corcoran Pacific Properties Gold Circle Award 2022

